Relax Beach, Koh Lanta Beaches Guide
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Relax Beach

Relax Beach, Koh Lanta Beaches GuideRelax beach is one of the most beautiful areas of Koh Lanta, isolated from the other parts of the island. Here the soft sand, calm cristal clear emerald water and is usually deserted beach covered with coconut palms.

The beach has only Relax Bay Resort. The resort is nestled in the northern end of Relax beach offers its own restaurant and beach bar - the rest of the beach has no facilities.
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How to Get to Relax beach

How to Get to Relax beach Relax beach is located on the west coast of Koh Lanta between Long beach and Klong Khon beach. Travel time from Ban Saladan should take you no more than 15 min. The guide will serve as a mini-market in Phra Ae village, then turn right to the beach - there will be a pointer Relax Beach Resort.


Relax beach Hotels

Relax beach Hotels Next to the famous Phra-Ae Beach, set on 1 km of private sandy beach, Relax Bay Resort is a romantic eco-friendly resort with 37 bungalows, a charming infinity pool and an international and Thai cuisine restaurant. However, other restaurants and bars can be found along the main road in Phra Ae village.

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