Nui Bay - Koh Lanta Beaches Guide
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Nui Bay - Koh Lanta Beaches GuideTiny Nui bai lies south of Kan Tiang beach, 40 min from Ban Saladan ferry pier. Deserted sandy beach, dead beach bar adorned with a large number of flags, pleasantly contrasting with the blue of the turquoise waters of the Andaman sea - here is a sample picture of Nui bay.

During high season there are often take a place beach parties with dancing till morning and other time of the year - Nui beach you have to remember the movie about Robinson Crusoe. Bay Nui is the perfect place where you can actually privacy.
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Where is it

остров Ко Ланта, Краби, Южный Таиланд,Krabi, Thailand, лучший отель в Ко Ланта, отели Ко Ланта, отдых на Ланте, фото ко ланта, туры в Ко Ланту, дешевые авиабилеты в Краби,  острова Ко Ланты, ресторан, ланта фото-отчёт, еда, ночной клуб, пляж, номер в отеле на Ко Ланте, медовый месяц, на Ланте Nui is a very small beach and you need a lot of time to find it. But then you will be the only host for miles around even in peak season. 'Welcome to the Robinsons' reads the sign on a road side which is hard to miss if you're moving to the north. Nui bay is located on the southwest coast of Koh Lanta, between Kan Tiang bay and Klong Jark beach.

Travel time from Ban Saladan should take you no more than 45 minutes. Near pointer is a small parking, tie yours iron horse and slowly go down by a rocky path.

Where to Stay nearby Nui bay

Where to Stay nearby Nui bay If to hope for the best times ever at this beach will be built luxurious 5 star resort - at least in Nui Bay for this there are all. And now all what you can expect in this corner of Ko Lanta's paradise is to put up the tent here and to be honest I'm not sure whether you do it (to ask...not even one). In case of failure nearest hotels you can find on both sides of the Nui bay, the best in the North.

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