Klong Nui Beach, Koh Lanta Beaches Guide
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Klong Nui Beach

Koh Lanta Beaches Guide

Klong Nui Beach, Koh Lanta Beaches Guide On Koh Lanta there are two beaches called Nui. The first is located between Kan Tiang bay and Waterfall beach, and another bay called Klong Niu beach lies between Klong Nin and Klong Hin, starting near Amantra Resort.

Crystal clear water, soft sand, lots of shady trees make Haad Nui beach is popular with travellers who prefer solitude and quiet and peaceful holiday away from Koh Lanta's northwest beaches.

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How to Get to Klong Nui beach

How to Get to Klong Nui beach Travel time from Ban Saladan should take you no more than 40 minutes. The landmark is a large parking place near Diamond Cliff Beach restaurant. Park, go down to the restaurant and on the left side you will be able to enjoy the views of Nui beach and panoramic perspectives of Andaman sea + delicious food and drinks.


Where to Stay nearby Klong Nui beach

остров Ко Ланта, Краби, Южный Таиланд,Krabi, Thailand, лучший отель в Ко Ланта, отели Ко Ланта, отдых на Ланте, фото ко ланта, туры в Ко Ланту, дешевые авиабилеты в Краби,  острова Ко Ланты, ресторан, ланта фото-отчёт, еда, ночной клуб, пляж, номер в отеле на Ко Ланте, медовый месяц, на Ланте Klong Nin beach offers a wide choice of hotels and resorts from luxury five star Rawi Warin Resort and Spa to comfortable rooms in the middle and budget options. Klong Nin is less crowded than its northern neighbors is oriented in a quiet and relaxing holiday surrounded by the pristine environment of Mu Koh Lanta national park. Klong Nui beach is deserted. The nearest hotel is Amantra Resort and Spa. Cosy wooden cottages lined up along the beach, 20 metres from the sea + beachfront restaurant, bar and Spa.

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