Koh Kood, resort, hotel, Koh Kood activities, Koh Kood Photo, Koh Kood tour, cheap air tickets,  islands, dining, food, nightlife, beach, Koh Kood hotel room, honeymoon,  trip to Koh Kood, Ko Kut
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 Koh Kood, resort, hotel, Koh Kood activities, Koh Kood Photo, Koh Kood tour, cheap air tickets,  islands, dining, food, nightlife, beach, Koh Kood hotel room, honeymoon,  trip to Koh Kood, Ko KutWeather on Koh Kood is fine all year, except for a small amount of storm rains within summer months (May - Sep), when Koh Kood is under the influence northeast and southwest monsoons.

And the best time for visiting Koh Kood - between the middle of October and the beginning of May. At this time rather hot, chilly and mainly sunny. But up to the end of May, visiting is still comprehensible, at this time is still hot, as during a dry season. During a monsoon there are rains on Koh Kood, the truth not every day and not all the day.
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Seasons on Koh Kood

Green Season / Low Season / Rainy Season:
from May to June - from September to October

High Season / Winter & Summer Seasons:
from October to November - from April to May

Peak Season / Winter Season:
form December - mid January
Please book before October
 Koh Kood, resort, hotel, Koh Kood activities, Koh Kood Photo, Koh Kood tour, cheap air tickets,  islands, dining, food, nightlife, beach, Koh Kood hotel room, honeymoon,  trip to Koh Kood, Ko KutVisiting of Koh Kood in any time of year can present for you as pleasant surprises, and inpleasant, that will demand from you some victims. So for example if you gather for Koh Kood during the period between June - October and going to Koh Kood by a high-speed boat - it can and not come, in a kind of difficult weather conditions. In this case for you will be better to wait for weather on the sea or to reach island by express-boat - the ferry which daily, once a day, operates between Koh Kood and Laem Sok pier. During a season of rains - the second variant will be the most reliable.
In December and January at night it happens coldly, especially at bottom of hills and AC in this time is completely not necessary. After approach of a dry season - the rivers get and you will not see all beauty of falls and bright paints of a tropical forest.

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