Ko Mak, Koh Mak, Maak, Ko Mak resort, hotel in Koh Mak, Koh Mak Holiday, photo, Koh mak tours, cheap airticket,  islands, restaurant, food, night club, beach, Koh Mak room, honeymoon,  on Koh Maak
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Ko Mak, Koh Mak, Maak, Ko Mak resort, hotel in Koh Mak, Koh Mak Holiday, photo, Koh mak tours, cheap airticket,  islands, restaurant, food, night club, beach, Koh Mak room, honeymoon,  on Koh MaakSince a era of the first emigrant - Choa Sua Seng, approximately 100 years ago, the majority of people on Koh Mak, lived due to gathering and processing of cocoes. There are data, that Choa Sua Seng the first who has based a coconut plantation was, but the first experience was not successful.

Later, he has sold the majority of the lands and a plantation, group Luang Prompakdee and his friends. Since then, the coconut plantation became the basic industrial manufacture on Koh Mak island.

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Koh Mak history

Ko Mak, Koh Mak, Maak, Ko Mak resort, hotel in Koh Mak, Koh Mak Holiday, photo, Koh mak tours, cheap airticket,  islands, restaurant, food, night club, beach, Koh Mak room, honeymoon,  on Koh MaakAccording to sources, in days of rules of Chulanongkorna King Rama V , the first on island has lodged the person by name Chao Sua Seng, the native of China who has created here a coconut plantation and has held a post of main official Palad Jeen. Some years later Chao Sua Seng have sold plantation Luang Prompakdii, and have left the post, having betraid him Plian Taveteekul, to the Chinese officer arrived of village Ban Koh Po, that in province Prachankiriket. Now this area belongs to Hong Kong and then was the Thai land.
Family Plian Taveteekul has strongly located on Koh Mak and now, the majority of his descendants till now are proprietors of the majority of the lands in Koh Mak. Local residents were engaged in fishing, raised cocoes, rubber, cut mangrove trees and sold them on fire wood.
In days of the European colonization there was a fierce sea battle, between the Frenchmen and Thai where the Thai fleet, having less modern of boats has failed, having sunk only one enemy a vessel.
Koh Mak first bungalow for tourists has been buildin 1974, in Ban Ao Nid, at east coast of island. Nevertheless tourism still was a remote scope, because of shortage of transport and communications.
Later, in 1987г, parts of many beaches, have received the further development of tourist business. For tourist service Thai and foreign visitors, have been built new bungalows and resorts

The local industry

To raise cocoes not difficultly, but needs a time. For growth of a palm tree and nutting, it is required approximately about 10 years. After harvesting, for end of full process of manufacture, from clarification and split, before burning, disclosing, transportations and packings, it is necessary 3 more days. During ancient times, instead of a today's tractor, for transportation on island, people used buffalo.
Later, the coconut industry has faced a problem of transportation. There was only one cargoship which plied once in three days, delivering to continent of people and cargoes. Business of that did not cost, because of the high prices for a transfer, and a cheap market price for nuts. The obtained money sufficed only on surviving.
In due course, coco palms, have replaced with plantations of a rubber tree, coconut manufacture began to fall into decay. People have turned the looks to rubber trees, because of the good price for rubber which that raised fell, and it was always more favourable, than coconuts. When the rubber prices fell downwards, the locals rooted out rubber trees and instead of it started to raise cocoes which fructified during all year, as against the rubber which was not giving rubbers during a rainy season.
Anyhow, today both branches industry became the basic business for people living on Koh Mak.

Koh Mak coconut plantations

Ko Mak, Koh Mak, Maak, Ko Mak resort, hotel in Koh Mak, Koh Mak Holiday, photo, Koh mak tours, cheap airticket,  islands, restaurant, food, night club, beach, Koh Mak room, honeymoon,  on Koh MaakSince the past, process of manufacture of a coconut, has changed not more. As it has been mentioned above, rather long time is required to bring up a coconut palm tree, reaping a crop. Harvesting of coconuts on island differs from southern islands of Thailand where they use training monkeys. Here, on Koh Mak, people use long bamboo, with a hook on the end. The person who performs this work, perfectly understands a degree cocoes.
Actually, for gathering, there are 2 types of coconuts: what are used in housekeeping from which create oil, cosmetic products, and others are the young coconuts used for drink.
Process of manufacture, after harvesting, begins with removal from nuts of a thick peel then leave only coconut nucleus. After them split half-and-half and leave to dry under the bright sun or dry them in the huge furnace during a rainy season.
Process of drying borrows approximately 3 days, sufficient to take out coconut meat (white weight inside). Then, a nut separate from meat. Firm as metal, coconuts, then use some domestic fuel or for creation of souvenirs, costume jewellery and various hand-made articles.
And coconut meat, for the further transformation, all over again mill on a shaving which packs into bags and send on factory, where prepare for various components, coconut milk or ice-cream.

Manufacture of rubber on Koh Mak

Ko Mak, Koh Mak, Maak, Ko Mak resort, hotel in Koh Mak, Koh Mak Holiday, photo, Koh mak tours, cheap airticket,  islands, restaurant, food, night club, beach, Koh Mak room, honeymoon,  on Koh MaakPopularity of plantations of a rubber tree increased, since the prices for coconuts decreased.
In the majority of areas of Koh Mak, people began raised more than rubber trees. For years, the prices for rubber have appreciablly increased. Earlier for kg allowed 7 Вт, and today already 60 - 70 Вт. For today the majority of people invest the capital in plantations of a rubber tree which before to give rubber, grows about 5 years.
Here it is not necessary to be the expert, and one rubber tree can provide to you good residing within 10 years.
Process is not combined. After full growth of rubber trees, at night, on a trunk срезается the bark also is substituted capacity. It is required only three subjects: a tray for rubber, an acid and the activator. After gathering it transform to a rubber plate, and send on factory.

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