Pirate Adventure Phi Phi, Koh Phi Phi Attractions
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Pirate Adventure Phi Phi

Phi Phi Attractions

Pirate Adventure Phi Phi, Koh Phi Phi Attractions Opened in October 2012 Pirate Adventure - very well done like the Disneyland attraction, located diagonally across from Le Grand Bleu restaurant, near Phi Phi main pier in Tonsai village.

This two-storey building offers three attractions: below, You will find electronic shooting range with 'old' pistols and muskets, and XD theatre with 4D chairs. At the top, prepare to be scared, because the second floor is a pirate hangout with all the classics of horror: the skeletons grab your shoulder, web, dark atmosphere and creaky floorboards... Gorgeous!
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Phi Phi Pirate Adventure

Pirate Adventure Phi Phi, Koh Phi Phi Attractions Pirate Adventure is a modern landmark: structure, design, details - everything was done by one idea: to make this the most realistic and terrifying place on the island as possible. At the entrance You are welcomed by a talking skeleton who invites you to join the party. The first thing You come across with threshold - another high skeleton leaning over the steering wheel from left to right.

The shooting range is reminiscent of Ali Baba cave (pirate style) with a large number of sunny, exotic and antique items are placed in different corners of the cabins of the old galleon. Two musket and pistols installed on the tables are always ready to test your shooting skills. At the rear of the first floor XD theatre offers a choice between four attractions: Coaster Canyon mine Horror, Cosmic Pirate Adventure Phi Phi, Koh Phi Phi AttractionsCoaster and the racer Canyon. Hold fast for your chair! Pirate den is located on the second floor, the creaking wooden stairs, where you will frighten and entertain old tricks and special property.

Pirate adventure Phi Phi the very first attraction of this kind on the island and definitely worth a visit.
opening hours: 11:00 - 23:00
location: opposite the Phi Phi Hotel
Tel: +66 (0)87 585 8474 or +66 (0)91 180 0498

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