Phi Phi Islands Weather & Climate, Koh Phi Phi Information
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Phi Phi Islands Weather & Climate

Weather Forecast for Koh Phi Phi

Phi Phi islands are located in 46 kilometers from Phuket and weather of the two islands differ little. Year-round average temperature is in between 24°C to 32°C.
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The Best Time for Travel to Phi Phi Islands

The best time to visit the Phi Phi islands from november to may. At this time, the sea is always calm, no rain, blowing a cool breeze and the average temperature ranges at 28°C.

The Hot Season on Koh Phi Phi

The hottest time on the Islands from april to may, when temperatures can rise up to 27C at night and up to 36C day. In this period there are frequent, but short and heavy rain creating a temporary lowering of temperature and humidity.
Locals enjoy june, july and august since the weather is usually fine, and travelers at this time is a little lower.
In this period are short but heavy rainfalls and in between rains usually the sun is shining brightly and everything around becomes much cheaper. Temperatures are between 20C and 33C.

Rainy Season on Phi Phi islands

During september and early october are frequent, heavy showers rains. Beaches, outdoor restaurants and streets are relatively free from visitors. And even at this time there are long intervals of sunshine between heavy rains.
Despite this, on all the beaches you can enjoy outdoor activities, both at sea and on land and many travel agencies and engaged during the most humid part of the summer season.

Actual weather and Weekly Forecast for Koh Phi Phi islands....


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