Loh Dalum Beach Overview, Phi Phi Island Travel Guide
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Loh Dalum Beach Overview

Phi Phi Island Travel Guide

Loh Dalum Beach Overview, Phi Phi Island Travel GuideLoh Dalum beach is breathtakingly beautiful - almost completely protected from bad weather here is quite shallow and coastal waters heated by the sun to a temperature of a warm bath! Loh Dalum covered with silky soft white sand surrounded by turquoise waters, the sound of birds singing. Here all year round there are no high waves.

You can go a hundred meters from the shore and still be only waist-deep in water; Loh Dalum beach was created in order to bask in the sun. At low tide you will have to go even further.
From Tonsai bay and the eponymous village this beach separates the small isthmus to conquer which you can leisurely stroll for a few minutes.

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Loh Dalum beach facilities

Loh Dalum beach facilities The beach with deck chairs for rent (150 Bath). For those who like swimming pools or something else, in the center of the beach Phi Phi Princess Hotel has a swimming pool which is situated much above sea level offering spectacular views of the bay and the surrounding nature.

Toilets can be found in the back of the restaurant, which you can find on the giant white canopy, 10 Bath - expected 'donation'. Next to Ciao Bella, is Palm Minimart where you can buy ice cream, drinks, postcards and everything you need for a beach holiday.

Loh Dalum beach Hotels

Loh Dalum beach Hotels Phi Phi Cabana is one of the best resorts on Phi Phi Don, lies towards the western end of the beach offering excellent service and direct access to both beaches.

Phi Phi Banyan Villa is a chic modern resort located just behind the Loh Dalum beach towards the eastern end of the bay.

Phi Phi Viewpoint Resort is conveniently sits right on the eastern edge of Loh Dalum beach offering spectacular views across the bay. Accommodation includes bungalows of various sizes. The resort also has excellent views and was considered very popular.


Loh Dalum Beach Restaurants

Loh Dalum beach restaurants On the top of the beach stretched some restaurants. Ciao Bella offers a grateful crowd of Italian dishes also with a beach bar where you can enjoy a cocktail and listen to music. The restaurant at Phi Phi Princess is coastal and prefers to serve through the cupboard large crowd of visitors.

As an alternative on the road between Tonsai and Loh Dalum there are plenty of cheap Thai restaurants. Here you will find some of the best dishes on Phi Phi isaland but it's better to experiment. In many institutions there is no menu, and if you don't know what to say, better to just smile and offer owners the opportunity to choose for you dish. These places can look a bit scruffy but the Thai people by nature are extremely clean people so you have nothing to worry about.


Loh Dalum Beach Activities

Loh Dalum Beach Activities Fortunately, the peace and quiet of the bay does not violate the roar of the jet-ski. Those who like to enjoy motorized water recreation can choose wakeboarding, ride on banana-boats, and parasailing which is especially popular because of the amazing views of the bay.

The calm sea in Loh Dalum bay is ideal for boat trips, kayaking, because there is so much more interesting. Good snorkeling can be found on both sides of the entrance to the bay. In addition to Monkey bay is a small sandy bay with a large coral reef but to get there by land is extremely problematic.

Monkeys living in the area can be very isolated so don't get too close. When you go kayaking, do not forget the sunscreen or wear a t-shirt and hat and be sure to stay tuned for sea level, because when the strong tides lift part of the way to shore will have to carry the kayak on yourself.

Loh Dalum Beach Nightlife

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Some beach bars offer beach parties with cool music and fire show. Sunflower bar which is normally closed last is the largest on Loh Dalum beach located at the eastern end of the bay. Every week in this place has live music and pool tables set right on the sand. Sunset bar offers relaxed on the soft triangular cushions and drink great coffee and cocktails. Beach Bar (next to Ciao Bella) is also a great night spot.


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