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Koh Mook - The Paradise Island near Krabi

Morakot (Emerald) Cave Between Koh Lanta and Trang

остров Ко Ланта, Краби, Южный Таиланд,Krabi, Thailand, лучший отель в Ко Ланта, отели Ко Ланта, отдых на Ланте, фото ко ланта, туры в Ко Ланту, дешевые авиабилеты в Краби,  острова Ко Ланты, ресторан, ланта фото-отчёт, еда, ночной клуб, пляж, номер в отеле на Ко Ланте, медовый месяц, на Ланте Koh Mook island with white sandy beaches and the famous Morakot (Emerald) cave lies 20 km south of Koh Lanta and a few kilometres to the west of Koh Ngai. If you are looking for beautiful beaches and exotic landscapes surrounded by unspoilt nature and away from the popular and crowded Krabi's tourist destinations - Koh Mook is the place to go.

The western part of the island is covered with high mountains while on the east coast there are several lovely beaches, the most popular is Ao Kham beach, and also the local village which is the capital of Koh Mook. The island lies in Trang province and here you will find some resorts located on the eastern beaches.
Krabi Airport Transfer Services,Transfers from Krabi Airport to Koh Lanta & Ao Nang, cheap taxi to koh lanta
Morakot (Emerald) caveEmerald cave, also known as Morakot or Tham Nam is located in the western part of Koh Mook. To get to you can only by boat and get inside - only swim through the dark sea grotto about 80 meters long. You don spas-vest, all that should not get wet hides in dry-bag, and you are one jamb swimming over the wire through the grotto where in some areas even total darkness and in some cases - water grotto filled with flocks of fish.

In fact Morakot is not a cave but a huge vertical void in the mountain at the bottom of which there is a small white beach connected with the sea by grotto. Visit Morakot cave in the first half of the day when it is bright by sun, and emerald water will lick the white sand. At other times there is not enough beautiful and at low tide - there is no water at all. Gorgeous beach, completely hidden from the outside world was in the past a haven for pirates and smugglers, and some say that this place was the real inspiration for writing the book ‘the Beach'.

Morakot (Emerald) caveLimestone cliffs covered with lush tropical greenery and fly vertically up to a height of over 100 meters and the tiny beach is covered with trees and large plants in the depth trying to reach the sun. This tropical hideaway is truly fantastic!

To get this magical cave you will need to buy 'Four Islands Tour' at Koh Lanta. This is a very popular tour where you can see beautiful islands, great Morakot cave and enjoy snorkeling to discover tropical underwater world + lunch on Koh Ngai island.

Koh Mook Hotels

ВСЕ ОТЕЛИ КРАБИ ОТДЫХ В КРАБИ ТАЙЛАНД  KRABI HOTELS & RESORTS THAILAND There are some resorts on the island. Many of it you will find on Haad Farang Beach and are active during the high season only from november to april, but handful resorts serve visitors all year round. Most Koh Mook hotels are in the budget to mid-range category, meaning you can chose from a basic bamboo chalet with fan to a comfortable bungalow with air conditioning.


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